Sleep is the best medicine…

Everyone says laughter is the best medicine. They’re obviously nuts. When you’re running a temperature, coughing so much that the neighbours think you are testing your new automatic rapid fire machine gun, your feet are cold but your nose is running, your taste buds have gone numb thanks to all the antibiotics…then try getting a damn comedian to help!!! It wont help…your coughing will be interspersed with bits of haha…not to forget it’ll make your chest hurt even more. I don’t want to get started on the effects of laughing with a runny nose ( you may not come back to my blog ).

I’ve been having a fever since last evening. Had to leave work early and come home. I’ve been sleeping since 7 PM yesterday. Waking up only to take my meds and go back to sleep. Even this morning, the fever seemed to enjoy the company and decided to over-stay its welcome. But I found the way to defeat it - medicine and sleep. I have slept for a total of 20 hours in the last 24 hours. And I am feeling darn good now. At least I can taste the orange juice now. The fever is gone, nose has decided to kick-off the Nikes and slow down, I still sound like an automatic machine gun though and the chest still hurts.

Imagine getting a comedian to the Sandman’s job. Humph. Am sure I would have got a lost worse by laughing and not sleeping.


Ani..... said…
i totally agree with you.....sleep is the best medicine....i am yearning to hit the bed....but alas i wont be able to get the right amnt of sleep...until Thursday night :(...exam season u see!!!!