They can count....

Me: (At parikrma) Ok kids, till where have you learnt to count?

Kids: (At parikrma) ...... (Blank Stare)

Me: Ok…..what numbers do you know?

Kids: (Random voices) 27…300….500….66….34……7….

Me: No! No! No! Don’t give me random numbers. Starting from 1 ,what all numbers do you know in order?

Kids: 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…9…

Me: Oh…no.please stop. Just tell me the last number of the progression…

Kids: 10…11…12…13….14….15

Me: Guys….time out ( Vigorously showing a T sign with my hands)

Kids: 16…17…18…19…20….

Me: (Thinking)

Kids: 21…22…23…24 (goes on) 67…68…69

Me: ......

Kids: 70…71…72….

Me: Ok …if you don’t stop…no one gets any chocolate!!!

Kids: 73….74….75…. (the song remains...)

Me: (Thinking – they said NO to chocolate….looks like I am going to have to listen to this come what may…now I know what my parents must be going through with me….even now.... "He just does not listen!!!")

PS: They stopped at 100
