Possible Adjectives for 'Whore'.

Yes. You read it right. I used the ‘W’ word. Can we have everybody go  Ushoooooooo now? On one of the blogs I regularly follow, the author had received some hate-mail which said:

“Get a life idiot! You got fired for being a stupid whore!"

Stupid whore? I never knew you could put adjectives with the word ‘whore’ ? Is there anything like a ‘smart whore’? She perhaps attracts the interests of venture capitalists. She also invested heavily in low yield bonds at the start of her career. She has kept a keen watch on the stock market and has invested in IT companies and was smart enough to pull out in time. Also, latest investments in Satyam have seen significant returns as stock price went up after Mahindra took over.

Also, she has invested in real estate to serve clients at prime locations in Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi. She’s looking to expand business abroad too with a hope of a tie up with some reputed brothels in Amsterdam. Considerations are being made for new lines of service (if there is such a thing). Use of newer products which help increase customer satisfaction and improve CSAT ratings, resulting in more business. Also, prudent investment in online advertising has seen hits and registrations for the whore business go up. Operations have now expanded from beyond one person to include a company that is growing at a steady 60%. Hostile take-overs are in place. 

This is probably a smart whore. But then, if she had all this acumen, she’d be working in the private sector and not being a whore? No more ‘I was young and I needed the money’ business. I can understand adjectives like ‘ugly whore’, ‘weird-looking whore’, ‘expensive whore’, ‘cheap whore’….but where the devil did ones intellect figure out in this equation? 
