Opening the evening for Alien Chutney was Michael Anthony Dias from Mad Orange Fireworks who pulled off a pretty tight acoustic set that had almost everyone in the house clapping along. Michael played a lot of his own compositions, the most popular being Corporate Bomb which got a lot of cheers from the crowd. As a preview to next week’s tribute gig by his band at the same venue, Michael played a very neat version of Pearl Jam’s Even Flow. As part of the encore, he played a Malayalam song, which he claimed his grandma taught him, which was a tribute to the recent moral tragedy of prohibition being imposed in the state of Kerala.
Michael Anthony Dias |
Michael Anthony Dias |
Packed house |
Next up was Alien Chutney. The band is popular thanks to their front man - Vir Das. Vir took the stage with his acoustic guitar and began his routine pointing out how men and women perceive music differently. After having the crowd in splits, he brought on the rest of the band to run through the set. While a lot of the set was fairly unchanged from their NH7 gig in Pune last year, the impromptu comedy and interaction with folks in the crowd made all the difference. Singing happy birthday to folks, pulling the leg of an entrepreneur and nearly marrying off two people, the gig had it all.
Vir Das |
Sidd Coutto |
Sidd cracks up on stage at a joke |
The band played songs like Say Naa, Delhi Girls, All You Happy People Please Fuck Off (phew, long name) and the closing number Man Boobs. Playing to a packed house, Alien Chutney closed their gig with We’re Up online to Get Lucky.
Pozy Dhar clearly amused |
Must hold devil's horns |
Alien Chutney |
Despite not having any new numbers, the band still sounded fresh as Vir Das was immaculate in judging the mood of the crowd and playing off the reaction the crowd gave him. It was one really entertaining evening.