The Choux Box May 29, 2016 bakery Bangalore desserts Food blogger foodporn Natasha Patrao Nikhilesh Murthy The Choux Box +
The German Food Festival at Feast, Sheraton Grand October 02, 2015 Bangalore Food blog Food blogger foodie foodporn German Cuisine Nikhilesh Murthy nikhileshmurthy Sheraton Bangalore Sheraton Grand +
"The Cuisine of the Navaithas" at the Cubbon Pavilion at ITC Gardenia August 01, 2015 Bangalore Bengaluru Food blogger food festival foodie foodporn ITC Gardenia Navaithas Nikhilesh Murthy nikhileshmurthy +
Food Pix: From Las Vegas (Pt. 3 of 4) May 24, 2015 Breakfast Food blogger foodporn IHOP Las Vegas Omelette +
Food Pix: From Las Vegas (Pt.1 of 4) May 09, 2015 Breakfast dennys dinner Food blogger foodie foodporn Jack Daniels Steak +
Food Mood: Aperitivo Evening with Peroni Nastro Azzurro, Bang at Ritz Carlton, B'lore March 29, 2015 Aperitivo Beer Bengaluru Food blog food mood foodie foodporn Nikhilesh Murthy Peroni Ritz Carlton +